Monday, May 14, 2007


Just some info from a pamphlet on the LHRA-

Who is LHRA?
-an association of individual and congregational members from Lutheran and ecumenical denominations in all 50 states
-involved since 1953 in the struggle to eradicate racism and other oppressions
-confronts the hard issues of human justice through a variety of programs in a positive, holistic, and challenging way
-staff, board members, and members are women and men, lay and clergy, gay and straight, young and mature, from many different cultures. We are from families of all types, from every part of the country, and some from around the world. We come from many walks of life and perspectives

Why should I participate in the LHRA?
-Involvement in a national network of dedicated and committed people of God
-Being empowered through Biblical insights
-Understanding the gifts of your own cultural background while hearing the stories of others and being enriched by those stories
-Enhancing your ability to listen and have meaningful conversation across cultural, racial, and other barriers
-Learning to recognize oppression and the role we each play
-Moving toward constructive ways of working across differences
-Making positive changes in your own life, congregation, and community
-Discovering new ways to continue to grow

Bringing people together to do justice.
Breaking down hostilities and fears.
Building human community.

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